Kaihui school

李娜 四年级英语教学案例

作者:开慧实验小学  时间:2016-01-17  点击:1080

Unit 4 At the farm
Read and write教案
师:Hello, everyone! I’m your new English teacher. You can call me Miss Li. Today we have two big groups. This is the “vegetables group”. OK? This is the “animals group”. OK? This lesson let’s have a PK! OK?
生: OK!  师: OK?  生: OK!!  师: OK?  生: OK!!!
Step 1: Warm up
1. Greeting:  OK. Class begins! Good morning, boys and girls.
2. Free talk. What’s your name? 师与生握手:Nice to meet you.
Hello! How are you?
3. Now let’s sing a song “Old Macdonald had a farm”. When you sing, you can clap your hands, OK? (师动作夸张,大声唱)
Step 2: Pre-reading
1. Look! This is Mr. Macdonald’s farm.
Now let’s look at some animals.
2. 师出示各种单个动物图,问学生:What’s this? 生答。
4. 师出示近处动物图,问: What are these? 引导学生回答:These are sheep/ hens/ cows….
5. 师出示远处动物图,问:What are those? 引导学生回答:These are sheep/ hens/ cows….
6. 师出示远处山羊图,问:Are those sheep? 那些是绵羊吗?引导学生回答:No, they’re goats. 不, 他们是山羊。
6. Wow! What’s the sheep doing?  It’s eating in the garden! No! No! Sheep! You can’t eat in the garden. Go away! 师领读:garden. 师出示菜园图: Look! It’s a garden, too. But it’s a vegetable garden! 师领读vegetable garden。
7. Now let’s do a game: Say the fastest. (火眼金睛游戏). You can stand up and say quickly. OK? 
Oh, you did a good job!
Look, there are four kinds of vegetables! But I love to eat carrots best. What vegetable do you love to eat? 让学生试着用句型I love to eat….来回答。
Step 3: In-reading.
1. 师:Wow, there is a rabbit!  The rabbit loves to eat carrots.
 Do the goats on Mr. Macdonald’s farm like to eat carrots, too?  Please listen carefully and answer the question. 师:Who can answer? Yes! The goats love to eat carrots.
2. Turn to page 43. Read and tick the vegetables.
Now read the first two paragraphs by yourselves.
学生自读课本第一二自然段。回答问题:What vegetables can you see on Mr. Macdonald’s farm?
然后师领读课本第一二自然段。Now let’s read the first two paragraphs together. Please read after me.
Now the vegetables group read the first paragragh. OK? The animals group read the second paragraph. OK?
3. 学生自读课本第三四自然段。回答问题:What animals can you see on Mr. Macdonald’s farm?
学生自读课文并在书上打对勾。师出示课件,师生共同打对勾。然后师领读课本第三四自然段。Now let’s read the last two paragraphs together. Please read after me.
Now the vegetables group read the third paragragh. OK? The animals group read the forth paragraph. OK?
4. 听录音,跟读整篇课文。
5. 蔬菜组读关于蔬菜的前两段,动物组读关于动物的后两段。
Step 4: Practice
1. Let’s write. 师在黑板上画简笔画,奶牛,师:Now look at the blackboard. These are my pictures. Let me introduce my pictures. These are cows. 并板书These are cows.师: Take out you fingers, and follow me!师板书的同时,让学生书空。
2. 师在黑板上画绵羊,师:Oh, those are sheep.并板书Those are sheep.师:Take out you fingers, and follow me!师板书的同时,让学生书空。
4. Ss draw some animals or vegetables on your books and write a sentence to introduce your picture.  (Before you write, first, let’s look at the writing tips and one student reads)
Writing tips:
  a: 书写句子时,开头第一个字母要大写。
b: 单词之间要隔开一个字母的距离。
c: 句子末尾要加标点符号,并要正确使用标点符号。
5. 教师指导学生书写。
6. 小组内介绍一下自己的作品。师:Please introduce your picture in groups.
7. 让学生上台,展示学生书写内容,让学生观察书写中出现的问题并改正。
Step 5: Progress
 Tick:What do you like?(你喜欢什么?请打“√”)
tomatoes(西红柿) potatoes(土豆) carrots(胡萝卜) green beans (青豆)



ducks(鸭子) cows(奶牛) goats(山羊) sheep(绵羊)




1. Vegetables are helpful to our health, please eat more vegetables.
2. Animals are our friends, please protect animals.
3. 珍惜农民的付出,爱惜粮食。
Step 6: Summary
   总结学习内容以及评价结果. 师:This lesson we learned some vegetables and animals, and introduced them. We also learned to read the text, and write some useful sentences.
Step 7: Homework

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